Sunday, August 30, 2015

A brief intro to why I am doing this

I was employed at a charter school that my child attended, I honestly thought it was a better alternative to the local public school system. The staff are sales people who sell their school, without telling parents about what their children are really getting. I call it a bait and switch. Had I not been employed there (the only employee whose child attended the school should have told me something) I may never have known how bad the situation really was. I voluntarily ended my employment there, and pulled my child out. I have since realized that even the worse public school is still much better than the charter option. I want our government to stop wasting our tax money making businessmen richer at the expense of our children. Charter Schools do not equal a better education, it is not even equivalent. I do not know the laws about exposing the true workings of a business, even one receiving public funds, so I am staying anonymous and not mentioning particular names. I am fairly certain that the chain of schools I worked for are not unique and that this charter school problem is an epidemic that needs to end.

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