Sunday, August 30, 2015

Just to be clear

     Before I proceed with what happened after school started I want to make clear why I am doing this. I am not a disgruntled ex-employee. I left voluntarily, mainly because I felt the owner and I had vastly different beliefs about education. My belief was that kids should matter more than money in education, and in order to properly run a school you should perhaps treat your teachers with dignity and respect. The owner of the school felt that students had price tags and teachers were over paid morons. I don't know what happens in other charter schools, however from stories I have heard from other educators, conditions are similar across the board, with some charter schools being slightly better and some charter schools being much worse. There are a lot of traits that most charter schools share. You can read and decide for yourself what was unique to this particular charter school and what may represent them across the board.
    I also want to say again that since I am unaware of the laws regarding exposing inside workings, I will keep all names out of the blog. You can therefore draw your own conclusions about what school I am talking about, because honestly it could be any charter school. I am a parent and educator who wants what is best for the future of my children as well as every other child in this country.

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