Sunday, August 30, 2015

First Impressions

     As an inner city parent signing my child up for school the first time, I had three choices (private school not an option) public school, public school magnet program, and charter school. Considering my options I figured my assigned public school was not a fit for my child based on demographics and school grade. I attempted to have my child enrolled in a local magnet program, however my child was waitlisted. I figured at this point a charter school was my only option, and someone I knew highly recommended a certain one.
     I figured at this point it was too late to enroll my child in this school, since most good schools in this area have a waiting list, especially at the point my child was waitlisted for the magnet program. I called the charter school and was informed that they still had space so I rushed over to enroll the child. My first warning sign should have been the fact that when I requested a tour of the campus (which was space rented from a church) I was denied. I was so worried about my child getting the best education we could afford (meaning free), that I let it slide. I sincerely figured that the assigned public school was not an option, our county had a slot of scandal, an we had one of the worse school districts in the country.
     I enrolled my child and in a couple of weeks decided to submit my resume for employment, since I had the qualifications to substitute teach and had genuinely enjoyed teaching my own child at home before school age. I was hired over the summer before school started in a position that matched my credentials.  I had no idea what things were going to be like when school actually started. I'll be honest, it was very different than what was advertised, both when I registered my child and when I interviewed for the position I received.

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